Proven Results
Crafting Solutions that Make a Difference
LVOC was built on partnerships, so we understand the power of teamwork. Blending the expertise of Sandia National Laboratories and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with the University of California’s top-tier academic system, LVOC offers the opportunity to collaborate on innovative ideas and new applications for cutting-edge science. We know we can't solve complex problems alone. Here's how some of our partners have applied scientific resources to real-world problems.

Explore a Few of the Extraordinary Results of our Partnerships:

World's Most Detailed Simulation Of The Human Heart
IBM and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory created Cardioid, a highly scalable code that replicates the heart’s electrical system with unprecedented accuracy and resolution.
Now researchers can run whole heart models quickly enough to examine the development and treatment of potentially fatal arrhythmias.

Revolution In Engine Design
Cummins produced the first diesel engine designed entirely by computer simulation, using software developed by researchers at Sandia’s Combustion Research Facility.
The innovative design process, now adopted across the industry, allowed Cummins to decrease engine development time and costs by 10%—and the new engine now powers more than 200,000 Dodge Ram pickup trucks.

Designing high-volume, decarbonized industrial production
Powered by 100% green energy, Seurat is reinventing and reshoring manufacturing with its Area Printing technology developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
LLNL and Seurat transformed the metal manufacturing process to develop components faster, more efficiently, and closer to their final destination.

Minutes To A Diagnosis
A suite of devices developed by Sandstone Diagnostics based on Sandia’s lab-on-a-disk SpinDxTM technology help couples conceive by enabling rapid and private monitoring of male fertility and is decentralizing capabilities in blood sample collection and diagnostics.
Sandia advancements to SpinDxTM incorporate both protein and nucleic acid tests allowing for additional uses in detecting viruses, bacteria, toxins, or immune system markers of chemical agent exposure.

Improving Steel Production Methods
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory computational physicists worked with steel engineers at U.S. Steel to improve the efficiency of the hot rolling process used to make sheet metal.
Together, they built computer models to understand how temperature could be better controlled throughout the rolling process.
U.S. Steel applies this modeling-based information to improve their yields, lessening the amount of steel sent to scrap.

Partnering with the University of California
Since the early 1960s, LLNL has worked with the University of California (UC) to establish mission related research partnerships and graduate training programs on the Livermore campus.
In 2022, UC and LLNL transformed Hertz Hall into the UC Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC). UCLCC serves as a multi-campus hub aimed at expanding collaborations and partnerships across the UC system: ten UC campuses, three national labs, five medical centers, and a network of agriculture and national resource centers.