Where partnerships are forged and solutions are realized.

New Challenges Require New Approaches
The Livermore Valley Open Campus (LVOC) blends innovation with impact.
In a rapidly evolving global environment, it’s important to:
- Safeguard our national security
- Form strategic partnerships
- Advance scientific frontiers
LVOC is a Joint Initiative
Across three campuses, LVOC brings people together to solve global challenges and strengthen American industry. This open, unclassified environment lets innovators of all roles and backgrounds find new applications for cutting-edge science.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) applies cutting-edge science and technology and multidisciplinary teams to achieve breakthroughs in areas vital to national security.

University of California Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC) serves as a multi-campus hub to expand collaborations and partnerships among UC campuses and the national labs.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) uses a foundation in the nuclear weapons program to leverage capabilities in solving complex national security problems.
Tap Into our Resources and Expertise
LVOC’s campus bridges Sandia and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories. This unique partnership allows industry and academic collaborators to tap into the resources of both facilities, creating a bridge into some of the world’s most advanced science and technology.

Expanding Frontiers Together
When it comes to meeting today’s complex challenges, we can’t do it alone. LVOC embraces strategic partnerships with forward thinking industry and academic institutions.
- Collaborators use LVOC’s specialized capabilities and resources to accelerate market-driven innovation and reduce production costs
- National laboratory partners benefit from bringing outside expertise and best practices into mission-relevant projects
- LVOC is uniquely positioned to enable knowledge transfer, engagement, and workforce development
Making the Best Science and Technology Even Better
With more than a decade of success serving as a conduit between national laboratories and their industry and university counterparts, LVOC advances scientific and technological discovery by leveraging:
- Leading-edge capabilities
- Renowned expertise
- Unique facilities
In LVOC’s expanding vision of state-of-the-art scientific and engineering centers, researchers from private industry and academia work alongside Laboratory personnel to contribute to the next generation of big ideas.
LVOC’s unique role within the scientific community makes this campus a one-of-a-kind home for innovation, scientific creativity, and open collaboration.
For our local community, LVOC brings world-class STEM education and expertise a lot closer to home.